We are ready to build your dream future was found on a sole principle,That is to provide a complete guidance to those young minds that strive to enter into the bureaucratic setup,not for their personal gains but to service the comman man.Since its inception in 2006 the institute has helped ample number of candidates to reach their dream.
The Institute SHANMUGAM IAS ACADEMY promoted in Coimbatore on 11th January 2006
During 2003-05 he too was a Civil Service Aspirant undergone the Civil Service Examinations in 2005 and successfully undergone various steps and stages including the final Interview of the Civil Service Examination Process.
After having been understood the various needs of a Civil Service Examination aspirant, he initiated this SHANMUGAM IAS ACADEMY in 2006 itself in Coimbatore to fulfill the needs of the Civil Service Aspirants. Besides, by default he understood the needs of the Civil Service Aspirants and also his experiences made him to train the aspirants exhaustively so as to get selected in any single attempt.
Shanmugam IAS Academy
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